What about the TCG?

Our Database is not a bludgeon to hit people over the head with. Please do not use it as such.

What is this Database?

This Database is an augmented copy of KONAMI's Card Database.
It includes all OCG and TCG card texts as provided there. Additionally, it includes English translations of Japanese-language OCG-specific content.

What OCG-specific content are you including?

KDE's Japan branch ("KDE-J"), which distributes the OCG, issues additional documentation on cards' OCG functionality.

This documentation takes two forms. On one hand, it contains bulleted notes on an individual card ("FAQ bullets"). FAQ bullets will typically describe details such as effect classification and targeting, which may not be obvious in the card's OCG text.
On the other hand, it lists scenarios (typically involving two or more cards) and information on how they resolve -- commonly known as "Q&A entries". Q&A entries will have answers in varying detail, from simple two-character "Yes, you can." to multi-paragraph explanations of mechanics involved.

Does this documentation apply to the TCG?

Short answer: "No, but...". It is issued by KDE-J, and thus holds no inherent authority over the TCG.

The long answer is a lot more complex than that. The TCG has no documentation of comparable quantity, and many TCG judges will thus use the OCG's resources to inform their personal interpretation of the TCG's underlying mechanics. Most judges view equivalent functionality between the CGs as a self-evident benefit, and will thus not depart from the OCG's without reason.

However, there are a number of reasons that may motivate TCG judges to intentionally deviate from OCG documentation. Some Q&A entries fall under the singular remaining well-established CG difference, or may appear to be contradicted by more recent shifts in documentation. Even others may, in the judge's opinion, not be supportable by the card's TCG text. (This is not an exhaustive list of reasons.)

We have chosen to mark certain Q&A entries that we believe might not directly translate to the TCG explicitly. This does not indicate our support of the opposite interpretation. The annotation should merely serve as a sign of caution to the reader. We provide this notice on a best-effort basis, in particular around subjects of common disagreement. Absence of this notice should not be taken indicate absence of disagreement.

Your event's Head Judge is the ultimate arbiter of any disputes.

Yes, even if the answer they give disagrees with something this Database tells you. This Database is a tool for giving you translated access to the OCG's documentation, and not a tool for you to try to one-up your judges with.

Your Tournament Organizer has confidence in them to know what they're doing. Maybe you should, too.